SunnyCem, cementing design and analysis system (SunnyCem for short), is an essential analysis tools for oil/gas well cementing engineering design and cementing job. With software analysis, customers can ensure that the casing strength meets safety requirement, casing pipe can be run smoothly in long horizontal wells, the casing is centered and balanced-pressure cementing can be realized.
Unique advantages of SunnyCem:
•Conforms to international practices and related API standards, also meets the latest
“SY/T 5724-2008 Design for casing string structure and Strength”;
•Supports the cementing design for any well type and complicated wellbore configurations;
•Includes a complete casing manual, and over 6000 types of casing used domestically; also allows users to add items;
•Outputs the whole-well casing design report and the cementing design report at the push of a button.
SunnyCem includes the following four functional modules:
•Casing strength design (CasingCheck)
•Centralizer placement (Centralizer)
•Casing running (CasingT&D)
•Cementing Module (Cementing)
Cementing design for wells with multiple spud-in and complicated wellbore configurations

Refer to module introduction for detail.